How crowded is the Nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park in GW?


I went to Ibaraki (Mito) for one night and two days in GW 2022 and went to see the famous Nemophila on the second day.

Since our trip to Mito was planned mainly for nature-related activities, we decided on the final itinerary after watching the weather forecast right up until the last minute, even though we had planned the trip.

Having said that, We would like to go early in the morning when the weather is nice because it is the best season for popular tourist attractions… (If I go early in the morning, it will be empty.) So We decided to check out of our hotel early on the second day and tackle Nemofira!


Just the one word.
We belittled it.

I will write a new article summarizing this trip to Mito (planning, day 1 and day 2 report).

time schedule

time schedule

6:30 Departure from JR Mito Station

6:36 JR Katsuta Station
↓ Temporary shuttle bus
7:00 Hitachi Seaside Park
 Enjoy our time..
↓Temporary shuttle bus
9:15 JR Katsuta Station
10:00 JR Mito Station

Around the end of March, when we originally planned this event, the information about Hitachi Seaside Park’s opening times and temporary shuttle buses was out of date.

When I looked at the website again just before the trip, I found that there was a temporary shuttle bus between Katsuta Station and Hitachi-Kaihin Park and that the opening hours of the park had been changed during the GW season.

Hitachi Seaside Park

Temporary shuttle bus

A temporary shuttle bus will run on April 8, 2022 was posted on Ibaraki Kotsu.
A news release for 2023 was also posted on April 1.

Temporary Bus (updated 2023.4.1) quoted from the official website

Effective Date
  • Saturday, April 8, 2023 – Sunday, May 7, 2023
    ※Operation period is subject to change depending on blooming conditions.
service section
  • [Direct route] From East Exit of Katsuta Station to West Exit of National Hitachi Seaside Park
Boarding Location
  • Bus stop No. 2 in front of Katsuta Station (East exit of Katsuta Station)
Operating Hours
  • 9:00〜17:00(schedule)
    On days when Kaihin Park opens at 7:00 a.m., 6:40 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (tentative)
one-way fare
  • Adults: 400 yen
    Children: 200 yen
    Traffic IC cards other than Ibappi cannot be used.
    The bus stop for the direct temporary buses will be at the West Exit of Kaihin Park.

Since the park opens at 7:00 a.m. on the day of GW and extra buses(shuttle bus) are available, we decided to go early in the morning and enjoy the nemophila in a less crowded place!
We woke up at 5:30 a.m. and checked out of our hotel (Mito Station) at 6:00 a.m. to go.

Although we were not sure how many people would take this shuttle bus in the morning as it started operating at 6:40 a.m., we decided to take the bus that arrived at JR Katsuta Station at 6:36 a.m.

When we got to the bus departure point, the lineup looked like this.


You guys are all up too early in the morning…

We had no idea how long we would have to ride the bus from Katsuta Station to Kaihin Park, so we opted to forgo one bus and sit down.

The official website did not list the interval between buses, but it appeared to be a piston operation, and the next bus came right away, so it was no problem.

Note that only Ibappi can be used for transportation IC cards.
Please note that most people use Suica or ICOCA.

We decided to purchase a one-day free ticket, which is shown in the photo.
The official website only mentioned that the tickets were sold from 9:00 a.m. at various locations, but local ladies were probably hard at work selling them by the bus stop in the early morning.

It was a two birds with one stone experience! (as of April 2022)
The ticket price was 930 yen (as of April 2022).

Is 930 yen cheap?

Yes, it was cheap.
– a round-trip ticket (720 yen + 700 yen entrance fee)
– Park ticket(You don’t have to wait in line to buy a ticket you arrived at the park)

Please check the official website for the latest information on 2023!

It appears that free tickets are still being sold in 2023, but the amount has increased!

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Crowding in the park

The bus took us directly to the seaside park non-stop. (about 15 minutes)

Now here is a picture.

This is not a picture of a very sunny day.
This is the park entrance at the moment we got off the shuttle bus about 6:55.


Can you see that there is a long queue of people waiting to get enter the park?

On a day like this during GW, when the weather is fine and the nemophilas are at their best, there are this many people in the park before it opens.
And the park opens at 7:00 a.m., which is considered early in the morning.

Of course, as soon as the park opened, everyone headed for the Nemophila zone.
This is what it looked like when we arrived there.


Everywhere you turn, there is a human …

I thought in despair, “This is what I get for coming here early in the morning…”
But the blue world all around me was beautiful!

However, I spent probably less than 20 minutes there, just snapping photos and taking pictures.
and next, we went to another area.

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Other Plants

I love the scenery of green (earth) and blue (sky) in a very large area!
I went to the flower zone where the nemophilas are in bloom, but the roses were too early.


There were roses dotted with lovely buds.

Other than that, the tulip zone was cute with various varieties of tulips planted!



I can’t say it out loud, but I think I was cackling more when I saw tulips than nemophilas.
Because there were fewer people.

fashionable cafe

Since we were acting early in the morning and had already looked around, we went to a stylish cafe to have a little tea.

The coffee looked really good, but I enjoyed the dessert.
It was a very nice day and we walked around so we could relax and plan our next…


I’ve already had my fill of it.

Let’s go back to Mito Station and take a walk around Kairakuen and the station area.


But first, let’s see how crowded the nemophila is at 9:00 before we leave.

「「「 Oh my God…!!!!!! 」」」

So I left Hitachi-Kaihin Park at 9:00.
There was no shuttle bus timetable or anything posted anywhere, but it seemed to be running on a piston and the next bus came right away, so you may not have to worry about it.

But it may not be safe to say that it is safe during heavy crowds in the evening or when there are more people leaving.

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Did you know how popular “Nemophila” is in Hitachi-Kaihin Park during the best season & Golden Week?
It is famous and there will be a lot of visitors on the sunny days of GW.
But I honestly thought it would be OK if I went early in the morning when the park was open.

We took the train and bus this time, but the first parking lot must have been full when we arrived at Hitachi Seaside Park before 7:00.
The first parking lot was probably full. There was a slight traffic jam with cars entering distant parking lots.


Don’t let the traffic jams and crowds of people stop you from going to see the nemophila, but be prepared for it to be crowded~!

Click here to read a summary of our trip to Mito at that time!
Here is an overview of the trip on Day 1 and Day 2.Click here to read a summary of our trip to Mito at that time!Here is an overview of the trip on Day 1 and Day 2.
(writing now.. plz wait a minute)
